Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Will you end up giving formula if the diet doesn't work?

I thought long and hard about this last night since I'm pretty frustrated with not seeing these amazing results, regardless of this big elimination diet I'm on.

I'm soooo tired of mucousy poo's....mucous means his little GI tract is still irritated. That sucks. Although I heard that it takes a bit for it to not be irritated since it's so sensitive. But still..I feel so bad for the little guy.

But, after thinking - I don't think I will go to the formula. I have to check back in with the GI specialist next week over the phone, so we'll see what he says. I'm still holding out hope that Alexander will be back to normal by next week. I keep reminding myself about the conversation I had with the GI Dr...that the bad diapers are more traumatic for the parents than the child, considering he's generally happy, calm, and gaining/growing very well.

But still.....I can't explain how much I "long" for that yellow/seedy mustard-consistency diaper I keep waiting for!


  1. well, my diet is working so I'm hoping and praying we don't have to make this decision. The special formula is so expensive, I think it would depend on the information given to us from the doctor. If she were still in obvious pain and pooping every hour, I probably would. I live in fear of my supply decreasing when I go back to work because I don't want to give her the formula.

  2. That's where I have it differently than a lot of you ladies - DS hasn't been fussy because of all of this and does not seem to be in pain and we don't have sleeping issues (besides him wanting to sleep only on me!) So we very well may end up where his diapers stay kind of bad and it never goes back to normal :(

  3. funny thing was: she wasn't fussy until the weekend before she was diagnosed. We thought her nap schedule was thrown off. Then when I asked about the diapers at her 1 month check up, the pedi asked if she had been extra fussy. I guess Adeline heard she was supposed to be and spent the next two weeks screaming!

  4. I hope we don't have to, I'm going to try everything possible not to. I just hope I'm not eating stuff I shouldn't be that would prolong the results. Thanks Cassandra for pointing out the soy protein in the butter, I didn't even see that =(. I do have a question though. I'm looking online at menu's of restaurants..and their allergen menu..this is what it says for some items: May contain the allergen, due to unintentional migration of ingredients during preparation.
    Is that so bad? Is it that critical to watch? It's the rice at qdoba, here's the link (it has a bullet instead of an x-- info at bottom of page): http://www.qdoba.com/Allergens.aspx
    Thanks for the help. I'm finding the online info for restaurants very helpful!

  5. Rashel-
    If I were you....I'd stay away from it. I say this because it's a lot easier to cut out everything first and then add back in. If I would have just read labels a lot closer and looked things up...we would have probably been in good diaps last week already. It takes 2-4 weeks to get out of both of your systems. I wouldn't chance it just yet. Good luck!

  6. rashel -
    Ditto what Cassandra said. I would stay away from it until your diapers are better. Then maybe try it, but don't add anything else to your diet and see if there is a reaction.

  7. Rashel, I'd probably avoid it too.
    I hope we don't have to switch to formula. I think we'd talk with more than one doctor (since ours hasn't been helpful) before deciding.

  8. Rashel-
    Saw your page to me on the Bump late late last night. Sorry...I'm always logged in, but not always on...so don't think I was ignoring you.

    IMO, just because you don't know HOW sensitive your LO is yet...I would avoid it. Yes, it sucks - but it sucks worse to have to "start over" with omitting things from your diet. Probably not the answer you wanted. But trust me...I wish I would've started the whole elimination diet from the get-go instead of now. It just prolongs things if you don't eliminate right away.
