Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do you feel like you know more than the doctors?

I definitely do!!!! So we did the stupid Poly-vi-Sol w/Iron last week Mon, Tues, and Wed. We had blood in his diaper that, if you remember, I wasn't sure if it was from the Bailey's or the vitamin. Well, we stopped the vitamin and the blood stopped. Talked to the nurse this week and told her about it and she said that she called the company and there is no soy in the I told her that my research told me that Vitamin E Succinate was derived from soy (thanks The Mommy!!!) ..but I'll start him on it again and if he had blood...I was going to stop him again. Well, we gave him the vitamin on Tuesday and yesterday (24 hrs later) he had 2 bloody diapers. Coincidence? I think not!

I don't want to call the nurse again because I know she's going to try to say it was the nuts from last week (even though I ate nuts every single day last week and he didn't have any bloody diapers since last Thursday...24 hrs after the vitamin). She told me to stop nuts (because she thinks the blood from last week was nut related..dumb nurse!) and to start fish this week. Well...I didn't tell her - but I ate a $hitload of sashimi on Tuesday for my birthday, sushi again on Sunday and would think I would have had blood this entire time from eating fish if it was from fish. Especially from last Tuesday's fish eating...I ate a ton of it!!! Also, she argued with me that the natural peanut butter that I ate once had milk in it because "how else would it get creamy then?" even though the only two ingredients listed are "peanuts and salt". I even went to the website and it states that they don't use any stabalizer or preservatives in it. Ugh..I hate this nurse!

So,...I'm stopping the vitamin again and called Mead Johnson (the company that produces the vitamin) and they are sending me a sample of the Tri-Vi-Sol and a $5 coupon. The Tri-Vi-Sol does not contain the Vitamin then there would not be any soy in it.

I think I'll call the nurse tomorrow after I eat fish again tonight and don't give him the vitamin to make sure the vitamin is out of his system. (I expect one more bloody diaper 24 hours after his dose yesterday).

I swear....just because you're a doctor or nurse does not mean you know it all. How frustrating though to have them tell you that you're wrong and I quote "if it's the's something different than a food allergy". Ugh!


  1. ummm....I would so be asking to speak to someone different. Peanut butter with dairy? Seriously? NORMAL peanut butter doesn't have dairy. This nurse doesn't know anything she spews out of her mouth and I would personally refuse to talk to her again.

  2. p.s. I would ask to speak to the doctor and tell him that his nurse is giving out wrong information. I mean, I can understand her not knowing about the vitamin (as I understand it, it depends on the sensitivity of the child for a reaction to occur), but peanut butter having milk? WTF? (I can't get over it) And the not an allergy if the vitamin reacts is crazy to.

    Let us know how the Tri-Vi-Sol works! I haven't decided if I want to try it, but if they will send me a sample, I would!

  3. Speaking of Doctors, I posted this on the BF and SAIF board today:
    DS has had bloody/mucousy/watery stools since he was 10 days old. We finally were referred to see the GI Dr. 3 weeks ago and he recommended that I try the elimination diet. So I did, I cut out dairy, soy, wheat, eggs and nuts 100%. Although we see less blood, he still has the same problem. And I think he's still uncomfortable and in pain at times. We had or follow up today and he wants me to start him on Alimentum formula. I cried as soon as he said it. He wants me to try it for a week (while pumping). I know we'll see results, I know his GI tract just isn't digesting well enough. But I'm so upset about it. I LOVE BFing DS. I love this bond, I don't even know how to describe it. My goal was 6 months and then a year. I don't understand all these difficult paths we've had to take. First 2 m/c's and 2.5 years of TTC, then he's born purple and not breathing, then he's got double pneumonia and can't be with us for the first 2 days of his life, then jaundice, and now I can't BF him anymore. Why? I'm really struggling with the decision not to keep going with BF and the diet to see if maybe we see more change in the near future, but I can't imagine him still being in pain. I suppose the only good that came out of it was the Dr. said if after using the formula for a week, he clears up, we can try BFing again, but if it comes back, it's back to formula.
    I'm nursing him right now and crying. This is so hard.

    And this in response to replies:
    Thank you all for the positive replies. It helps to hear it from you, especially since DH doesn't 100% understand. It's been 3 weeks (today) since the diet started. I do think within in the first week, I made some mistakes on soy and wheat...but not dairy. There's been no dairy for 3 whole weeks. So, I think what we'll do is use the formula for a week (while I'm pumping and still doing the diet) and if we see results, I'll BF again and hopefully he'll stay ok. If not, then we'll go back to the formula. I'm also going to see if I can get a referral to an allergist (if they'll see him this young).

    Thanks again, it's been a rough day trying to cope with this.

  4. I know you did 5 weeks Cassandra, and I want to try that, but I feel like maybe the formula will give his little GI tract a break. I also know that soy and wheat were only 2 weeks free, so me doing formula for a week will bring that to 3 weeks. It's killing me to make this decision, but on the other hand, I'm so sad to see him in pain and uncomfortable.

  5. Oh Rashel - I can understand. I guess it's different for me with the diet because there's was (and still isn't) any real fussing from DS. He would just have the horrible diapers and not seem fazed. I wonder if I too would have done the formula for a week to give Alexander a break. Just remember though...that it can take up to a month. I didn't really start seeing results until last week! And look what is still happening from (what I suspect) the vitamin. Whatever you do...don't do the vitamin! It sounds like your LO might be just as sensitive as mine is. I also think I was accidentally getting soy in my diet those first two weeks. Just hang in there and do what's best for the both of you! And DON'T STOP PUMPING! Especially if you want to go back to it. Pump every 2 hours...remember that it doesn't work as well as your LO, I would pump longer than LO would normally nurse. So if your LO nursed for 10 minutes..I would pump 15-20 to make sure your supply doesn't tank. Good luck sweetie!!!!

  6. I hope the Ti-Vi-Sol works for your LO's. Although there isn't any Vitamin E in it, my DS couldn't handle it. I'm wondering if it was the caramel coloring or one of the other ingredients but it caused him to have bloody streaks in his diapers. Once I stopped it then his diapers cleared up again.

    Rashel, I'm so sorry that you are forced to make such a tough decision. I hope that it helps his system heal and that you can continue BFing!

  7. C&M - oh crap. I don't know if I want to try it then! It seems both of ours are really sensitive then huh? Oh boy!

  8. i dont think you should eat so much fish while bfing dont forget about mercury hun
