Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How are the diapers going?

We are onto day 6 of no bloody diapers..yay! Super excited about that since it's the longest we've gone w/o a "bad" diaper. Now we just have to work on getting them more yellow instead of florescent green.

Talked to the GI Specialists' nurse yesterday....I have mixed emotions about that phone call. She wasn't the nicest and I wanted to tell her she was annoying the shit out of me about 20 times in our 10 minute conversation.

Come to find out...I should have started him on Poly-Vi-Sol w/Iron after all (they told me to and I didn't really see a need for it considering that I've been eating tons of fruits/veggies/healthy foods non-processed etc. etc. since doing this diet). She told me I needed to start giving it to him because if I didn't...he would become anemic due to me not getting all of the minerals/vitamins into my diet like I normally would. I dunno...I still don't see how that is when I'm taking my prenatal and calcium supplements too. Oh well. I went to Walgreens and gave him his first dose last night...he didn't spit it out - so that's good!

They still think it's an allergy...especially since we were 4 days w/o blood and it was about 5 weeks since last taking in dairy (I don't think the Bailey's was enough to affect him). So this week I'm adding back tree nuts (almonds/cashews/etc). Then next week I have to stop eating tree nuts again and then add back in peanuts (yay....I can't wait to eat a PB&J!). And on and on until we get to something that causes blood again...in which I have to call them right away if it happens before our next appt on May 5th. I'm really thinking it's wheat since we noticed the most changes since cutting that out. But we will see!!!


  1. boo on that nurse! I was told vitamins by 2 months, but honestly, women have been on this diet before they even came out with the vitamins without their babies becoming anemic. So I don't seem the harm in waiting a little while you are dealing. We start ours Thursday night. I'm glad your DS took it well!
    No blood is a good sign! If it's wheat, I'm sure it's just working it's way out and you'll have yellow dipes soon!

  2. yay for better dipes! we are still having yellow but mucusy dipes but im just glad they are not crazy bright green anymore! horray for getting to eat nuts again!

  3. UUUGGGHHH - We had some blood in his yellow diaper tonight. WTF? Maybe it was the Bailey's working it's way out? Who the hell knows. I'm now going to try pumping for a bit and bottle feeding EBM and then nursing him for as many feedings as I can (mostly during the day...I'm not going to pump first in the middle of the night, that's for sure!). If we see dramatic results with doing that...I might just believe my husband that it's not an allergy. I'm willing to do anything at this point to get some results (besides switching to formula). I'm frickin annoyed with this MSPI crap. I'll call the annoying nurse again tomorrow and tell her about the bad diap. (I never told her about the Bailey's...I don't think it's that relevant) and see what she says. No way it was due to the 1oz of almonds I ate last night.

  4. I am having a very bad day. DD has been super fussy the last 3 days. I know it is because we went out of town and I thought I made good choices. But, also, my supply has been lower since we were OOT and I wasn't nursing as muc (giving bottkes of EBM). DD has been refusing the boob (at night when supply is lower), but she just did it now and was screaming. I tried giving her a bottke of EBM and she also wouldn't take it. I am seriosly considering going out and buying some Nutramigen or Aligimentum and see if that helps. I am seriosly at my whits end with this. I am seriously feeling like a failure and I am bawling right now :-(

    On another note, I just found out that soy is also found in soaps. So the soap I use to clean her bottles, nipples, etc. could be "poisoning" her as well.

    We have an appt. next Tuesday with a pediatric GI. I am so mad that my pedi didn't recommend this in the first place (I had to ask her for a referral).

    I am just feeling hopeless right now.

  5. wow - lots of typos. sorry - typing one handed while holding Ava.

  6. Ah, L&P - - - keep your head up. I hope things get better for you. Does she possibly have reflux too? One of the things that stops me from giving up is that the formula we would put them on tastes awful..and formula is harder to digest than our BM..even if we do have some remenents of "bad" things in our BM. I am sorry you are feeling so down...don't feel like a failure though. It's easier to give the advice than take it though...as you will see in my next post!

  7. Hmm, now I'm wondering if I should give DS the poly-vi-sol instead of the tri-vi-sol. What's the difference between the two?

    We've been having pretty normal diapers. I added his vitamin back in today.

    I'm so sorry to those who are feeling so frustrated. This is an incredibly frustrating process. Hang in there!
