Thursday, April 2, 2009

Who's doing a food/diaper journal?

We have been keeping track of the following things:

Time and side he ate
What I ate at what time
Time and what his diaper included

This seems to help me feel better when I look back at the logs. It keeps things in perspective. For instance...I might think we had a horrible day or what-not, but when I see it in black and white...I can say "oh, he only had one bloody diaper, that's not too bad". It also helps to make sure that he's not getting dehydrated or anything (seeing # of wet diapers) since this has been something I was worried about when he was having those pretty bad watery poo diapers.

It takes time to write it down...but it's a lifesaver for me on my stress level!

Oh...and we've stuck to yellow now! But his last 2 were more mucousy than seedy..ugh. But for now - no more green! I'll take it! At least I'm seeing some change with the elimination diet! Yay!

Oh, new food:
Bob's Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal
It's dairy, gluten, soy free. It takes like cream corn. I put brown sugar on it for breakfast. Filled me up nice!


  1. I have a food diary. I'm just writing what I've been eating in case she has blood again, so I can look over it. Or if we have to go to a GI doc, I can show them. I'm not writing about her poops though. I probably would if she wasn't getting better.
    So glad its working for you! I wonder what you'll be able to add back in...

  2. I'm hoping we get all the way to having soy...we'll see!

  3. Thank you Cassandra for starting this blog!

    I have been saying I want to start a food diary and just haven't. Plus her poop has been so much better the last few days I haven't felt as compelled to do it.

    How long has everyone been dairy free? I've been dairy and soy free for two weeks today. The last couple of days has been the biggest improvement.

  4. I haven't started a diary because he has been getting better. If we were still having problems, I probably would.

    Jessimurph - Have been dairy free for 2 weeks tomorrow. We haven't cut out soy and he is doing so much better.
