Monday, April 20, 2009

How was your LO over the weekend?

Alexander has been consistently having better diapers....yah! I stopped the Poly vi Sol w/Iron vitamin. I have to call the pedi today and get his opinion on that!

The weather was awesome on Friday/Saturday so we went out for a walk and went to the park for a picnic. It's so nice to finally be able to get out of the house! Alexander just sleeps in his stroller he has yet to really "see" his neighborhood! LOL

I ate broccoli last night with dinner...and boy oh boy, I don't think it agrees with Alexander! He wasn't fussy or anything...but he sure was gassy for about 30 minutes this morning. It amazes me how loud the little stinker can be! LOL He can put grown men to shame!

Hope to hear that everyone is getting on the right track as we're getting more and more into the weeks of being free of however many foods! This week I get to add peanuts back into my diet! I had peanut butter toast for breakfast....yummmy!


  1. I don't know if we're making any progress. =( It's day 18, which I know is not as long as you've gone. But, Im wondering if we need to be doing something else. I'm going to put a tinypic url at the end, it's a pic of one of his diapers. Has anyone's looked like this? It's like pure liquid and completely orange with some blood in it. Looks all red in the pic, but it's not. This is what a lot of his diapers look like...especially the first one of the day. And I'd say not even one diaper has any consistency to it. Most are all liquid/mucous. We've cut out dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, and nuts. Every once in awhile we'll have a green diaper. I still think he's showing signs of pain too. I feel so bad for him.
    and right after that one, he did this one:

  2. Oh yeah, and I 'stole' your bump badges too! Thanks! lol

  3. I went a couple days where he had that orange/yellow liquid with blood streaks. I've also had literal puddles of the liquid in his diaper. As long as it's streaks of blood and not like blood in liquid form, you are good. Black, white, and actual blood red poop are all bad things...per my GI.

  4. Well, I guess I can't tell if there is blood in liquid form if it's all mixed in with that bright orange poop. I've seen him poop out pure blood twice before...while I was changing his diaper. Yeah, that diaper was a puddle before it settled down in the diaper when I took the pic. I don't remember the last time he had a yellow/seedy diaper. Does pure liquid diapers mean diarrhea? When you say if it's just streaks then I'm good, does that mean your GI wouldn't say there was an allergy problem? Thanks for the help.

  5. No...there's still an allergy. He said if it's like he's pooping just blood....that is cause for concern. DS's diapers have always had little tiny thin booger like or string like. Does that make sense?

  6. Also...are you keeping a journal of his poops? We have one and I write down what they are like...dark green, florescent green, yellow, orange, seedy, mucousy, stringy, bloody, etc. It really helps me see what is actually happening instead of trying to remember

  7. Rashel, my DS had diapers like that too. They've gotten better over time. I hope your DS's do too.

    We had a good weekend. I'm adding my prenatal vitamin back in today. Hope it goes better than the Tri-Vi-Sol last week.

    Cassandra, I'll be interested to hear what your pedi says about stopping the vitamin. A pedi from Hershey Med (I live in PA) suggested a liquid D vitamin called Just D. I googled it and am thinking about buying that instead.

  8. we had orange puddles and i was still concerned but my pedi agreed to continue with the diet and re-evaluate next week about what to do next. my LO's diapers seem to be shifting back from orange to a dark yellow. still mucousy though. he has a rash which has been present for over 2 weeks around his mouth which i assume is related and that seems to be spreading and becoming more obvious. i am only dairy/soy free but am wondering if i need to try wheat free. i did 2 days and i am waiting to see what todays diaper holds to see if i want to extend that elimination. we only get on average 1 poopy diaper a day which is different from before this whole process started where we were having at least 4-5 explosions. this may be one positive change although i wish they were more frequent so i could see changes (or not) sooner!

  9. The # of poo diapers is probably related to age, not diet. Is he still having a good amount of wet diapers?

  10. what kind of bread did you eat for the toast?
