Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How is everyone adjusting to their new diets?

I am adjusting surprisingly well. As I posted on the bump yesterday - I went shopping and spent $50 on 10 items...but it was worth it to get some things with some flavor!

My MIL came for a visit today and made a scruptious hearty soup made with only fresh veggies. It didn't sound very good when she told me over the phone what she was bringing (she knows about the special diet I'm on for A) but I didn't want to be rude so I told her to go ahead and make it. It was SO good and was so flavorful. I am getting the recipe from her and will post it. Basically it was fresh tomatoes for the base (so like a tomato soup), celery, onion, corn, kidney beans (for protein), thyme, and some other stuff. It was it was more like a stew instead of a soup. I suppose you could probably add some yukon potatoes in there too if you wanted.

DS had an awesome yellow seedy diaper today - - - yay for small victories. It's amazing how I hold my breath when pulling those little velcro tabs of his diaper to see what awaits me. It's usually a sigh of disappointment...but today was a high-five with my husband! I hope they stay this way.....but we've been down this road before so I won't be holding my breath (that is, until we change the next diaper! LOL)


  1. yum! cant wait for that recipe it sounds great! Im only cutting out major dairy so its not super hard on me but im still missing cheese a lot..and veggie dip- plain veggies are unappealing, and casseroles made with any "cream of" soups..ds's dipes havent been green or slimey at all since i cut out dairy though and i love him so im sticking to it!

  2. I've been good at cutting out dairy from my diet, but if we go back to the pedi and he doesn't think that dairy is the only culprit I think I'm going to be at a loss of what I am going to eat. Has anybody thought about what do if introducing solids. My DS is almost 4 months and I don't know if we should start at 4 months or wait till 6 months.

  3. I'm getting used to my new diet. Its hard to avoid soy, but thanks to pita bread, I can have a sandwich for lunch. DH is excited b/c he loves to cook and now he can cook different recipes I have no choice but to eat!
    Elizabeth- I think its recommended that you wait until 6 months if your LO has MSPI.

  4. I'm doing pretty well so far but it's only day 2 w/o wheat, etc. I talked with our LC yesterday and she agrees that we should try this for 2 weeks. We're switching to a new pedi and making an appt with a pedi GI as well.
    Some food ideas ...
    -plain old fashioned oatmeal with fruit added.
    -for a quick side, most grocery stores sell sweet potatoes individually wrapped to microwave. They're pretty good!
    -Frito's are safe! Nice to have a salty snack. So are plain Lay's potato chips.
    -Salad with chicken, pears, avocado, oil and vinegar.

    Cassandra congrats on the yellow, seedy!! I hope to see one of those!

    Elizabeth, I'm pretty sure we'll be waiting until 6 months to introduce solids.

  5. I have up and down days. Some days I think it is easy and other days - like today- I am craving things I can't have. I need to find some new things to eat. I have been doing strawberry poptarts for breakfast, roast beef and turkey sandwhich with plain Lay's for lunch, and a meat, fresh veggie, or rice for dinner. Sometimes I sub rice for rosemary potatoes which are really good. All this is good, but I am getting tired of it now. I just found out about a special market here that might have food I can eat. I am going to check it out this weekend.

  6. Oh, I was going to post for anyone interested. Since we can't do butter and sour cream on our potatoes, I have been making Rosemary potatoes which is a weight watchers receipe. You slice red potatoes as thick as you want and boil them until tender. Drain the water and put them back in the pot. Add olive oil - enough to lightly coat the potatoes. Then add Rosemary to taste. The oil gets it to stick. That is all the reciepe calls for, but I add salt and pepper.
