Thursday, April 16, 2009

Okay, let's get positive!

I feel like that screams "Richard Simmons" but hey, it seems like I need to get out of this funk about the MSPI and maybe some of you ladies are feeling the same way? It's easy to get into a self pity party and it's time to get myself out of it!

So, I'm going to list some positive things about this MSPI fiasco!
1) I am eating healthier, therefore feeling healthier
2) Alexander is still growing and gaining weight just fine!
3) I am helping keep my local natural grocery store in business! LOL
4) I have now been cooking dinners more often. It makes me feel good to do that!
5) I am more knowledgeable about what is going into my body and then onto A!
6) I have met some (or gotten to know a different more vulnerable side) of some great women from the bump (I know, I know...puppies and rainbows! LOL)
7) I am motivated to start exercising again since I feel so good. Now we just gotta get the tummy back to normal!
8) I am losing a healthy 2 lbs per week just because of this "diet". Which I don't like to think of it as a diet in a negative way...but a different, more healthy way of eating.
9) This way of eating gets easier and easier as time goes on.
10) I have become very creative with my food choices.

OK-your turn!


  1. Haha...good to see you in a much better mood today! I hope you keep seeing great results. We went all day yesterday without a bloody diaper-- first time. But then had one this morning, but it seems to be slowing down, hopefully. He seems to be much less fussy and in pain.
    I like your list, seems like it'd be pretty close to all of our lists. I'm in my pre-pregnancy clothes now, super stoked about that. I started thinking if I ever had to lose weight again, I'd go on this diet. ;) Cheese, butter, fattening! Who needs 'em? I do miss them though. I had a dream last night that I ate all this chocolate ice cream (not even my fav) and didn't realize it. Then freaked out that I had to start all over with the diet. Woke up almost feeling like it was real.
    I like the new link you added for cooking allergy free. Has some great stuff on there. I might try the bread recipes. Any tips on which flour tastes best? What is buckwheat flour? It's not wheat? Is there a list of restaurants that are eatable? I usually go to their websites. Do you trust the cooks if you ask not to cook with butter?
    Or maybe there's a list of ok foods to buy at the stores, like snacks. I bought Quaker rice snacks-- kettle corn flavor and some Eat Smart veggies crisps. Oh and I tried some corn pasta-- gross! lol
    Hope everyone has a great day!

  2. I love that this makes me eat healthier (except pop is ok, so I still habe one a day). I haven't eaten junk like I would normally being home all day. I think that has helped a lot with keeping my emotions in check. I can't eat my comfort foods and that makes me deal with my feelings!

  3. oh and her allergy means no one can give my crap for waiting until 6 months to start solids and making our own baby food

  4. Great positive post!
    I like that the diet has helped me lose weight... 6lbs below prepreg. I gained during IF treatments so I'm happy to see that # on the scale again.

    E is healthy, gaining weight, and happy. He's also much calmer than a few weeks ago.

    I feel proud of myself for sticking with this and committing to breastfeeding.

    DH likes that we're eating healthier too.

    Have I suggested sprinkling garlic salt and brown sugar on chicken yet? It's our new favorite, quick, easy chicken 'recipe'. I sprinkled it over ground chicken and added crumbled bacon (not the healthiest but it was GOOD!). Add some rice and a veggie...easy dinner.

    I re-introduced the Tri-Vi-Sol vitamin yesterday and E had a teeny spot of blood in his diaper today. I can't imagine what else could have caused it as I haven't changed ANYTHING else. We gave him the vitamin again today and if we see any other symptoms then I'm going to switch to the Just D vitamin.

    It's a beautiful day here. Hope you all have a good one!

  5. i am new here but want to let you know that i have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing how others are handling this situation. we are going on 2 weeks no dairy/soy and we have seen improvements (no longer obviously bloody, red diapers and now onto orangey/yellow) but not back to the "normal" which i wish i could find each time i open the tabs on the diaper. thanks for the links and suggestions.

  6. Yay for the positives! I wasnt 100% sure that cutting out the dairy was making a difference, so i ate some dairy over the weekend and yesterday ds was CRANKY like he used to be and his dipes have been mucusy and green again- so im going to go back to being dairy free- hoping i can get my belly back in shape too! I lost the weight all right after he was born but im wearing a pair of jeans from my freshman year of college today! Yay!!! Im feeling more motivated to be healthy now that ds is older and the weather is finally getting nicer here- and swimming suit season will be here soon and i pretty much live at the pool/lake all summer...
