Friday, April 3, 2009

Vent Fest Friday!

Post your vent/frustrations about dealing with your LO's intolerance(s) here!

I am now getting all yellow, seedy and pretty mucousy diapers since Tuesday and it's pretty frickin frustrating. I just want yellow and mucous. But I guess I should be happy since there has not been blood for 2 days now...that's the longest we've gone since this ordeal started.

That's my biggest vent right now.


  1. we are in the yellow but still mucousy dipes stage as well..i miss his seedy dipes he used to have :(

  2. I'm worried about my supply. I used to get a lot when I pumped, but the amount I just pumped was 2oz less than normal. Given, it's later in the day than usual. I'm just worried that this new diet will cause me to ingest too few calories and my milk supply will decrease. I can't let this happen, we can't afford the special formula!

  3. The past 2 days have been really hard for me. I have never wanted cheese so bad in my life. Almost everything I like to eat has dairy in it. Harrison is doing so much better though, so I know that is the problem. I would never intentionally cause him pain, so as long as I am BFing I will do what I have too. I just get frustrated that I am having to make all the sacrifices while DH is calling me telling me what a great lunch he had (country fried steak with gravy and mashed potatoes - my favorite meal in the world). It is just so hard some days. Plus I haven't found any quick meals that I can eat yet. So, I am having to cook everynight which is hard while working full-time. I am just frustrated, but at least DS is sleeping better and so much less fussy. That does make it worth it.

  4. I am also still seeing mucus in her poop even though it's turned from that awful green to yellow. I'm hoping that will clear up by this week. I was told by 3 weeks I will know for sure. I'm hoping to add a cup of soy milk after the three week mark as well to see if I can start eating soy.

    Cutting out dairy AND soy has been challenging to say the least. Today I would kill for a piece of pizza and a brownie...

  5. Jessimurph-
    I keep telling everyone that I have a date with an extra cheese pizza in about a year! LOL

  6. I miss milk chocolate and pizza the most. I can't even go down the easter aisle at my work or I will crave it even more. What makes it even harder is that my husband keeps forgetting I can't have dairy products. Wednesday he brought me home a cookies n' cream milk shake from Chickfila and I had to tell him either he drinks it or I have to throw it away. I just keep reminding myself of my DS.

  7. We had DS's 2 month dr. appt on Friday and wouldn't you know it, he had an ALMOST NORMAL diaper while we were there! First one we've seen in many weeks! I couldn't believe it. Since then we've had some seedy ones but there's still mucous. I hope we're headed in a good direction!
