Friday, March 27, 2009

Vent Fest Friday!

As suggested - I will be doing a Vent Fest Friday every Friday. Please let it all out here, without guilt!

Here I go!

I am so.sick.of.this! I'm tired of not knowing if it's my forceful letdown that's causing all of A's symptoms or if it really is a dairy allergy. We had a funeral on Wed and Thurs and I fed him 2 bottles of EBM on Wed - - well, we had 3 awesome awesome awesome diapers. Back to where they should be. Then, of course - BAM...back to green and even a couple bloody (not much blood..but still, it was there!). I went grocery shopping last night and wanted to cry in the middle of aisle 3 since almost everything picked up had either dairy or soy in it. I'm pissed that I have to do so much research on my own and the doctor doesn't offer much help. The only thing he said was "stay away from dairy". Well, if I wouldn't have done research...I would literally only be staying away from drinking milk, eating cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. I almost wanted to throw in the towel and say fuck it - I'll just formula feed. But that breaks my heart and I can't imagine losing that special bond I currently have with A due to nursing. I also think it's selfish of me to think that way - - it's only for a year that I'll have to live this dairy/soy free lifestyle. And in the big picture - I'm eating a lot more healthy because of it. Lots of fresh fruits/salads/veggies/chicken/fish. It's the most frustrating when I'm starving and I have to "make" something instead of just grabbing something quick, which is the joy of processed foods.

I'm going to ask the pedi GI specialist on Tuesday if we can have the dairy-protein allergy test done and see if that's an option. It pisses me off that the regular pedi never even mentioned this test or mentioned sending us to an allergist. I know the test exists...of course, only because I did the research.

Ok - I think I'm done. I still feel like shit though and very "defeated" right now. DS is started to stir and wants to eat.


  1. I don't have a vent right now. I think I'm too tired to get upset. Right now I just want a yellow diaper. But we have seen reduced blood and less diarrhea. I don't think it can be forceful let down here, I use a nipple shield!
    Except I wish they labeled packaging better. I am now staying away from anything that says vegetable oil without specifying because it could be soybean oil. Our crisco oil is soybean!
    One factor for us is the cost of special formula is so high that if I can stick with it this is better all around even with slightly higher food bills for organic food

  2. First I want to say I'm sorry that you are feeling so defeated. You are doing a great job and are a great mommy!

    Right now I am frustrated about 2 things. First the fact that the pedi didn't give me any information, just like yours. I haven't even seen her because he was diagnosed in the ER. I had to call the office the next day and ask if I should cut stuff out. And, like you, they just said all dairy.

    Secondly, I am frustrated because everyone I talk to about it (family, coworkers, friends) doesn't understand why I need to cut everything out. Since we only found out b/c he had a reaction to formula, everyone keeps telling me I should just cut out milk, ice cream, cheese, etc. When I tell them I have researched and found that he has more symptoms, they still don't get it. I know this is the problem though b/c in just one week he is sleeping so much better and his skin looks a lot better. He is still fussy during the day and my Mom keeps saying "It is probably a touch of colic and it will go away at 3 months. Then you can eat dairy again." And people keep offering me food I can't have - which is fine, I don't expect them to keep up with what I can eat - and when I tell them no they say "oh, a little bit won't bother him". DH is the only one that agrees with me. Basically all the family thinks I am overreacting.

    I can go dairy free no problem, but I need some support. Or at least not everyone fighting against me and making me think I'm crazy.

  3. I'm incredibly frustrated that I may be eating soy and not know it. I read EVERY label but soy derivatives are confusing me. Why can't it just say soy?!

    Anyone know if guar gum or xanthan gum is derived from soy?

    What about caramel coloring? Is it ok? I know to avoid caramel flavoring but the oatmeal I eat and even DS's vitamin has caramel coloring.

    I wish our doctor was more helpful too. I'd like to hear more about this allergy test that can be done. Any info to share?

    Thanks & hang in there everyone!

  4. Oh crap - I didn't even know about the caramel flavoring thing. I swear to gawd...everything but fresh fruits and veggies is off limits with this diet!

    I have my appt's on Tuesday and will be asking about the test. I will let you know what I learn.
