Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Post any brands that are safe!

Please list any foods that you know for sure are on the safe list to eat. Please list if they are wheat, dairy, soy, etc. free and any recipes you may want to share.

We went to the GI Specialist today and they said they do believe it's an allergy. I am on a very limited diet for the next two weeks (no milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, eggs, shellfish, or tree-nuts). Saw a dietician and she suggested the following brand of food:


Hope this helps some of you. Wish me luck for the next two weeks!

Also-I will post more about the appt. and what he said...don't have time now - - we're off to a pedi appt. now!


  1. OMG that diet is my worst fear! Esp. since DD's diapers are going back to bad. I can't figure out why the weekends are different?
    I don't have any brands right now..

  2. Ehh, I don't think it will be that bad. I'll just be eating a lot of fresh fruits, veggies, rice, chicken. Oh well...anything to get these diapers back to normal! He said some really interesting stuff regarding BFing though....so I'll share all of that once I get back. Gotta get kiddo packed up!

  3. Can't wait to hear about it! GL!

  4. Enjoy Life is great! I highly recommend the brownie and chocolate chip cookies. They also make chocolate chips that are safe to use in recipes. Also, their sunbutter crunch bars are AMAZING!

    Amy's Organics has some items that are soy and dairy free. I believe some may be gluten free too. We give the dairy free burritos and no cheese pizzas to Gabe if I didn't cook anything and need to make a quick meal.

    Your best bet is just to cook from scratch.

  5. just joining you ladies. i have a 2 mo. ds- we have been having the green mucusy poo issues as well but dr said dont worry as long as he seems happy but i cant deep down continue doing something i know is hurting my sweet boy even if he seems happy..similar to your story i kept hoping it was a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance and tried block nursing w/o success in changing the poo back to yellow- two days after stopping dairy- just major sources at that- milk, cheese, ect- and his poo starts being yellow again and instead of going 5 times a day its more like one or two and with less grunting/crying so here we are. i dont know any good brands yet since we are just starting our dairy free journey..

  6. We had an up and down day.

    I was going to post about enjoylifefoods today! I stopped at our local health food store and picked up their choc chip cookies, a caramel apple snack bar, and cocoa bar. So far I love the choc chip cookies but WOW, $4 for 12 small cookies. The cocoa bar was so so. I also found some Rice brand cheese slices that are dairy, soy, and gluten free. I tried a slice and it's not great but not inedible.

    Our pedi has been less than helpful. I asked for an appt today and left in tears. He pretty much just pushed Alimentum formula and didn't offer much help. I'd much rather figure out WHAT DS is allergic to and see if continuing to BF is possible!

    Cassandra, I'm so happy that you posted your plan. Thank you! I plan to try the same thing to see if there are any changes in DS. I think it's the only way to find out if DS is allergic to one of those. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your appt!
