Thursday, March 26, 2009

How is MSPI affecting you emotionally/mentally/physically?

Emotionally-I am exhausted. We go from having awesome diapers to back to a horrible diaper. I am in the process of changing the way I hold A during feedings because a consult over the phone with a LC suggested that I have forceful let down. We just had 3 awesome diapers in a row...and now the last one was bad again. I feel horrible for my DS and guilty because I feel like it's still something I am doing....which in a sense, it is my fault. I get angry at the milk/soy protein and angry that it might be my boobs causing this.

Mentally-I am struggling with trying to put some flavor into the foods I eat. I am going grocery shopping today and am not looking forward to it. It's a huge change to have to look so closely at labels, get excited that something looks like it's safe, only to find that the 2nd to last ingredient is one of those hidden soy/dairy products. I am still determined to make this work though...regardless of how hard it may be at this beginning stage of the journey.

Physically-I am losing weight due to my not eating so many processed that's a bonus! I am worried about calcium intake though. I still have to research if there is a calcium supplement I can take that does not contain the dairy protein. Right now I am drinking the rice milk fortified with calcium...but it's not enough. I'm used to drinking a gallon of milk a week myself. I miss milk! :(


  1. Our pediatrician recommended that I take Tums - not sure about soy but should be good for dairy

  2. My son takes a calcium supplement that is dairy free. I got it at the healthfood store.

  3. emotionally and mentally, it's starting to take a toll. I feel so bad and can't help but think everytime I nurse her that I could be giving her something bad in my milk. :-( I can't help but feel it's my fault.

  4. Emotionally and mentally I am feeling bad that I am causing DS pain. But, he seems to be getting better, so that makes me feel better. I am also extremely sad right now because I just realized I can't have Cadbury Eggs this Easter season. :( That is my favorite chocolate.

    Physically, I am losing some weight, but not as much as I thought I would have. But, it has only been 1 week.

  5. Emotionally and mentally I'm having a TOUGH time. It seemed as though he was getting better but he's had REALLY mucous-y and tinged with green diapers for the past 2 days. I could just cry. I WISH I knew EXACTLY what was causing it.

    On one site it says guar gum is a soy derivative but I haven't found other sites supporting that. The Lender's frozen bagels that I've been eating have guar gum in them. I'm thinking that I should stop eating them. Also wondering about xantan gum. Ugh, this is so hard.

    Physically I'm 5 pounds below my pp weight but still not fitting into pants the way I did pp. Oh well.
