Friday, April 10, 2009

Vent Fest Friday!

I have the same vent over and over and I'm tired of even having it. I am sick of not seeing drastic results in DS's diapers. I have done everything in my power to help him out (besides giving formula,...which I will not do). I am wondering if he'll ever have normal poo's again :(

Now we're in this green mucousy crap again. This should not be happening! I can't wait to talk to the GI doctor on Monday when I check in. Hopefully he'll give me some hope...but from my experience during this whole ordeal...he'll probably just tell me I'm going to have to live with it or switch to formula. There's nothing more I can cut out of my diet! Seriously..what would I eat? I guess I could go completely vegan...but I doubt that will make a difference either.

Ugh....who knew this end of breastfeeding would be so hard??????


  1. I'm sorry he's not improving :-(
    I'm worried about DD's weight gain. She only nurses 5-6 times a day and I just tried to weigh us on the scale and I don't think she's gaining enough. She had a very slow gain while we had green diapers, but I figured that was because it was going through her too fast. She has plenty of wet and poopy diapers, is a happy baby and I feed her when she's hungry. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

  2. I worry about the same thing. Our next appt isn't for another 2 weeks though :(

  3. i refuse to break down and go to formula- ds LOVES to nurse to a point where it is sometimes rediculous and i love making him so happy and secure- but i sometimes feel that people who ff have it so easy. if their lo gets hungry in the car, at the store ect. they can pop a bottle in his mouth- getting ds tp take a bottle is a challenge.
